Sunday, August 28, 2011

Purpose and Direction

Now and then, I experience a sense of purpose. I seem to be in the right place at the right time with the right word or gesture or act, and all of it is effortless.

The rest of the time, which is most of my time, not so much.

During those other times, I have to rely on direction, trust that the compass is set to the right heading, that God is my True North.

You see, I want purpose to replace my old quest for a blueprint. "OK, God, make it clear, make every day make sense, let me see the pattern, let me logically deduct the next step." And that, for me, is madness.

I don't necessarily know what my purpose is at this second. Even if I did, it might be entirely different two minutes from now. New people, new room, a telephone rings, a car cuts me off, I see someone walking past; any of these might indicate a shift in purpose.

Is God the unmoved Mover, constantly the same? Well, yes, the nature of God is probably the same "yesterday, today and tomorrow," but if: 1) I exist, and 2) I can change my mind, and 3) I am even one little atom in the being of God; then God changes. If I grow in understanding, talent, or compassion, at least my little corner of God is evolving.

Why do I expect purpose to remain static? How probable is that?

I want Easy God. That's the God I want to follow, the one Who always makes sense, the one Who is clear and concise.

I ain't seen that God lately!

God stopped being clear and concise when God introduced the concepts of mercy and grace. They skew everything, and they evidence how capricious God's love is.

I can't always rely on purpose, but I can fall back on direction. I can continue to move in the last accurate trajectory of love for love toward love in love. If I do that, my purpose at any given moment will show up. Whether I realize it or not.


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