Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Long Day's Journey into Joy

I worked late at the church, tonight, after praying with a patient in the ICU, assisting with the midweek service, fellowshipping afterwards, and then putting the finishing touches on the preparations for tomorrow morning's Celebration of Life service at a cemetery chapel. When my work was done, I did not leave right away.

Instead, I then spent a few minutes relaxing by posting horrible puns onto my friends' facebook posts. I admit to a deep-seated need to pun. It is apparently incurable. But, while the groaners I spout may cause reasonable people stress, they lighten me up every time.

"Did you hear about the high tech spider who used centrifugal force to spin a whirled, wide web?" I won't list any more, because they don't get better.

The thing is, humor and creativity are powerful attitude adjustment tools, and people rarely wreck their cars because they are driving happy, so they are better tools than some I could use. Creativity is the activity of God, and I believe when we give ourselves over to being creative, we are generative and regenerative.

St. Francis always said, "Pace e bene!" which translates as "Peace and good!" It is a greeting of joy with which to meet any person or situation.

I strive to emulate him, but some days I need a little boost! Other days, a lot of boost! I am learning, though, the medicinal value of a laugh or a smile or a bit of merriment. Tonight -well, this early morning actually- I end my day focused on joy.

The same way I hope to begin the next one.


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